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Parental involvement

We recognise that parents are the first and most important educators of their children. There are many ways in which parents can take part and help us to work in partnership with them: - i.e.

  • by exchanging info about their child’s needs, interests and events in their lives with staff
  • completing the parent/carer consultation sheet prior to observations to contribute your thoughts and questions
  • by contributing their skills to our topics
  • by attending open weeks
  • checking their learning book regularly and uploading photos from home 
  • by actively supporting our home reading scheme

We use Learning Journal - an online journal for all your child's observations; assessments; photos and videos. 

My Special Book - these are scrap books which the children and their key worker adds to during their time with us - photos; their work; keepsakes; their quotes and memories.

Early Years Framework

From this year, there is a new Early Years Framework which covers your child's learning and development from 0 - 5 years of age. Please click on the following link to view the Parents' Guide to this new framework. There is guidance on how you can work with us at home to enhance your child's developmental experiences within these early years. Parents Guide Document link

Book bags

We have a Home Reading club. Your child chooses a book to take home in their own book bag to read with you. We provide a comment book for you to record in and share with us your child’s opinion of the book.

Early Years Pupil Premium

If your child is eligible for the Early Year Pupil Premium, they will receive additional funding to help us support your child's learning and development. We then work together, in partnership with you, to provide them with engaging activities and stimulating resources. Please note the funding goes to the pre-school. Parents/carers are kept informed through meetings of their child's progress. Please see for more information.


We carry out Two year-old progress reports on children with us between the ages of 2 -3. We also complete a transition report for our school leavers going into their reception year. Parents/carers are invited in for feedback on both. We also have end of year feedback meetings, termly stay and play sessions  with parents/carers. Learning journals and verbal feedback occur regularly.